Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One Body, Many Parts

"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ."
(1 Corinthians 12:12)

Our team has really come together as one unit, but it has also been neat to see each member exercising their individual gifts to make this team and this trip a success. Here are the various roles of each team member. As the trip approaches, please pray that each member will be fully prepared to serve effectively in their roles.

Dave Breuer - Team Leader, Trip Coordinator, Drama Team

Linda Breuer - Team Leader, Trip Coordinator, VBS Team

Rachel Breuer - VBS Team, Befriending Missionary Kids

Sarah Breuer - VBS Team, Befriending Missionary Kids

Amy Breuer - VBS Team, Befriending Missionary Kids

Adam Cramer - Worship Leader, Drama Team, Youth Leader

Beth Lugbill - Worship Team, Drama Team

Danielle Black - Worship Team, Drama Team

Carol Schmidt - VBS Team, Translator

Diane Matteson - VBS Team

Melissa Lein - VBS Team, Drama Team

These are some of our specific roles, although undoubtedly each member will need to be flexible and be ready and willing to serve in various capacities on the trip. Also, remember Alyssa Lugbill in your prayers, as she has been working hard in Paraguay to coordinate many of the details for the conference. Above all, pray that God will show up at this conference and use this team to encourage and refresh the missionaries who are serving Him in Paraguay!

1 comment:

Ryan Matteson said...

arn't blogs the "world wide web" or something???